If you believe a person is the sum of their collective experiences, you might presume a collection of Facebook status updates could deliver powerful insight into a person's state of being.
Following that logic, here's me according to Facebook:
December 1, 2006: Adam Rodewald is not eating peanut butter bagels.
December 6, 2006: Adam Rodewald is still not eating peanut butter bagels.
December 10, 2006: Adam Rodewald is hoping for chicken potpie!
December 24, 2006: Adam Rodewald is on a quest for candy mountain!
April 22, 2007: Adam Rodewald chasing little gnomes with pudgey cheeks and rosey, button noses.
July 11, 2007: Adam Rodewald is monkey!
May 26, 2008: Adam Rodewald is back to work and drinking mountain dew.
May 28, 2008: Adam Rodewald is caffienated

October 6, 2008: Adam Rodewald is Adam
October 14, 2008: Adam Rodewald is wearing shorts
October 23, 2008: Adam Rodewald is caffienated.
November 3, 2008: Adam Rodewald is.
November 8, 2008: Adam Rodewald is Sam.
November 8, 2008: Adam Rodewald is drinking bitter coffee.
November 10, 2008: Adam Rodewald is clearly.
November 16, 2008: Adam Rodewald is b flat minor
November 20, 2008: Adam Rodewald is on facebook.
November 27, 2008: Adam Rodewald is reclining, hands folded, feet propped on a wooden stool, and eyeing his cold mug of Folgers.
December 12, 2008: Adam Rodewald is ENERGY STAR qualified.
December 31, 2008: Adam Rodewald is cylindrical.
January 19, 2009: Adam Rodewald is going to be a daddy!
January 23, 2009: Adam Rodewald is drinking Mellow Yellow from a paper Fazoli's cup.

March 14, 2009: Adam Rodewald thinks he would devour a sludge burrito if it came from taco bell, even if it arrived mysteriously on his door step in a conspicuously polka-dotted baggy.
March 14, 2009: Adam Rodewald did indeed eat a chili cheese burrito today.
March 16, 2009: Adam Rodewald is friends with Beef Jerky. And Beef Jerky is friends with Adam Rodewald. When their powers combine, they are Captain Planet.
Um...Adam? Are you ok? Did you bump your head? Is your head still attached to your torso? Amswer back in binary code if you are ok.
oh wait... that's not ... this isn't good.
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