It's been a long time since I've caressed my blog with my brain power. Now, at 9:30 p.m. on a Friday night, as I listen to a spastic police scanner from the Northwestern's newsroom, sounds as a good a time as any.
My caffeinated reflections tonight hover around our new president elect, with no particular order discernible.
My managing editor announced today a dire ailment in our spell checking software: the computer tries to correct Obama as "Osama."
A high school social studies teacher told me from his desk chair by a curtainless window that historically, voter turnout is highest when people are unhappy. The turnout out set records this year.

What does this newspaper's front page say about the industry I work in? What does it say about our country? ....
An article posted today by the Associated Press on Obama's first press conference since the election said: "Obama also left the door open to the possibility economic conditions might prompt him to change his tax plan that would give a break to most families but raise taxes on those making more than $250,000 annually."
The article also said Obama's "family is looking for a dog that will not trigger his daughter Malia’s allergies. Ideally, he said it would come from an animal rescue shelter, but 'obviously, a lot of shelter dogs are mutts like me.'"
On election night, I watched a pastor drink Coor's Light at a political rally, listened to a man in his 50's solicit money for Damion Maynard (who is walking across the country in honor of U.S. soldiars) and looked at pictures of Obama supporters cry, hug and party.
And, after all was said and done, I figured out how to turn down the volume on my blue tooth ear piece.
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