This is a picture of how I feel about winter. I took it several months ago when the snowbanks were taller than me. The dirty white stuff has of course morphed into water or vapor, which is the state I prefer it to remain in. The problem is I don't feel winter has moved on yet.
I've been debating whether temperatures have climbed over 70 degrees more than three times this year. I assume the sun dislikes winter's attitude as much as me, because that big fiery ball hasn't emerged any more than the warm weather.

Do you think winter will go away for good if I gave it candy? Probably not if the candy had coconut. But I suspect some hard mint candies would go a long way. Those little round ones with tiny red stripes around the edge. Or Andes mints with a cup of milk.
Hmmm. Now I want candy. Specifically a Caramello bar. That would hit the spot, and, at least temporarily, cure my too-long-too-cold winter blues.
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