To my Beth,
Not like they say it in the movies, anyway. The mushy, gooey, lovey-dooey monologues usually beginning with a statement derived from the unexplainable "feeling inside of me."
No. Sorry. I don't love you like that.
But my hands crave yours. My eyes want to soak up your image. My nose loves to nestle in the curls of your hair. My mouth shuts down when you're around so my ears can have you all to themselves.
That's how I love you.
My brain says you're awesome. My occipital lobe sees it plain and clear. My temporal lobe will never forget you.
My arms want to hug you when you're angry. My cheeks want to let your tears roll from your face over mine. My feet want to follow you, step behind you, next to you, but never over you.
That's how I love you. It's not hard to explain.
When you laugh my heart beats. When shout my neck turns. When you stop my butt rests.
You see, I don't have many feelings to share. But I do have actions, because that's how I love you.
Happy Anniversary.
You'll always be beautiful to me. I love you.